Self Discipline is the best discipline. All students are expected to observe rules and regulations currently in force to enable the smooth working of the college,
Students are prohibited to do anything inside and outside the college that will interfere with its orderly administration or affect its public image. No outside influence. Political or of any other type should brought to the college directly or indirectly.
- Students should always carry their valid college identity cards whenever in the college or representing the college at other places. Further, it should be produced for inspection on demand by any member of the college staff.
- Students should not bring any outsiders to the college campus without prior permission.
- Students should not collect any fund from other students or from outsiders without the written permission of the Principal.
- Students should not organize their own picnics, excursions, trips etc. without the prior written permission of the Principal.
- Students should attend their lectures / practical in their respective divisions / batches allotted to them and not in any other class or division.
- Students should read the NOTICE BOARDS & our college website from time to time and be informed of the instructions / information displayed for other benefit from time to time.
- Students should deposit any lost property found by them, with the college office. Owners of lost property should claim the same from the office counter vary next day.
- Students should take care of college property and help in keeping the college campus neat and clean. Any damage caused to college property shall be recovered from the concerned students.
- Consumption of alcohol, Smoking, Chewing Gutka and Tobacco is strictly prohibited inside the college campus including the canteen. Any student found violating this regulation shall be dealt with severely.
- Loitering in the corridors or sitting on steps or corners is strictly prohibited.
- The students are refrained from using the Mobile Phones in the college premises wide circular issued by University of Mumbai No. UG/552 of 2004 dated 31st December, 2004.
- Students should come decently and properly dressed in college premises
- Students should refrain from indulging in any form of ragging which has been notified as a cognizable offence by Government of Maharashtra, Resolution No TEM / 10967620 / 96 dated 06.09.1996.
- As per the judgement given by Hon’ble High court, students for admission is found to have indulged on ragging in the past or if it is noticed later that he has indulged in ragging, his/her admission may be refused or he/she shall be expelled from the college. If required, FIR will be lodged against the faulty student
- Right of admission is reserved by the Principal.
- A student seeking admission to the college should present himself/herself with an application in the prescribed form duly filled in signed by him and by his/her parents/guardian, for an interview with the Admission Committee.
- No admissions will be regarded as granted unless it is duly granted by the Principal.
- All admissions are valid only for one academic year and required to be renewed with application in prescribed form for the subsequent academic year.
- Once a student is admitted to the college, he /she is liable to pay full fees as prescribed.
- A student once admitted will be considered as duly admitted for the academic year, unless he/she informs the Principal in writing of his intention to leave the college at least a week before the commencement of the second term. If no such intimation is received, full fees for the second term will have to be paid.
All admissions are subject the conditions/rules prescribed by the college, the Government of Maharashtra and University of Mumbai from time to time.