Pune Vidyarthi Griha's College of Science & Technology
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National Service Scheme (NSS)

The College has a NSS Unit. Students, who are really interested in doing social work, are welcome to join the college NSS Unit. The actual enrollment however will depend upon the University guidelines.
The educational goal of the NSS implies that besides gaining understanding of concepts like community, social structure, power conflict, etc. occurring in real life situations, students should acquire competence in the field of programme planning. Shouldering the responsibilities, participation in cooperative task and promotional work in the community. The service goal of the NSS also calls educational approach in solving community problems. Its purpose is to help the community to recognize its needs and to assist in the mobilization of resources to meet these needs.

Teacher In charge of the Association

Mr. Gaurav Singh

Mr. Gaurav Singh

NSS camp at Hamarapur Village (2018-19)

Under the NSS Programme any student selected for NSS is expected to continue for the period of two years and is required to render service for a minimum 120 hours per year and he is also required to participate in special   7 days camping programme. The Special Camping Programme will be treated as separate project and the hours of work put in those programmes will be accounted separately and they should not be included in the 120 hours of normal NSS.

Tree Plantation

NSS Unit conducted the Tree Plantation activity in our College ground on 16th September 2019 and planted 12 Saplings in ground.  Our Principal , Dr. Ajay Kumar Pathak addressed the volunteers about the role of trees in human life.

Blood Donation

The NSS unit of college, organized a blood donation camp in collaboration with blood bank of Kohinoor ( Mumbai ) on 21st August 2019.Many students including NSS Volunteers and College staff actively participated in this activity

Book Collection & Distribution Drive

NSS Unit conducted a Book Collection & Distribution Drive in Pestamsagar area. Under this Activity of the NSS unit aims to collect the books from the students, volunteers, and teachers and from all sections of the society to start a local library. Special awakening Programmes were arranged during 1st  October 2019 to 5th October 2019 of every year such as door to door visit etc.

Books and study kit were distributed to needy students in the adopted village of pestamsagar.

Cleanliness (Swachh Bharat Abhiyan)

NSS Unit conducted the Cleanliness activity under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in our College campus our Principal (Dr. A.K. Pathak) and other teaching and non-teaching staff also participated in cleaning activity. NSS volunteers of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College Of Science & Technology, cleaned the area around college and wiped out the grass in premises, College, Ghatkopar(E), near Garodia, district- Mumbai Suburban  under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, on 17th September 2019.


Health Checkup Camp

In Collaboration with Kohinoor hospital, vidyavihar, NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of  Science & Technology, organized general health camp in college on 21st August 2019. More than 70 rural elderly people were screened and treated for minor ailments. Mean while we organized health exhibition on diabetic mellitus and hypertension. The camp ended successfully with appreciation of students.


AIDS awareness program in the campus, adopted area and slum area were organized by the unit throughout the academic year. This event was conducted to create awareness about HIV/AIDS its causes as well as to make people know as to how it can be prevented. This rally was also intended in demolishing the various myths that go around in the society about the spreading of this disease. The volunteers carried posters and yelled out slogans in the local languages Hindi and Marathi. The residents of the area had some queries regarding this rally which the volunteers heeded to and cleared all their doubts with patience and understanding.

The NSS Unit had organized voting awareness programme to aware the students of college and to impart the knowledge about importance of voting

Cleaning Activity

NSS Unit conducted the Cleanliness activity on January 25,2021 under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan in our College campus our Principal (Dr. A.K. Pathak) and other teaching and non-teaching staff also participated in cleaning activity.

Tree Plantation

Volunteers of NSS UNIT of our college conducted the Tree Plantation activity on January 26, 2021 in our College ground and planted 12 Saplings in College ground. This activity is inaugurated by Ex Chairman of Pune Vidyarthi Grih K. N. Shirkhande Sir, Treasurer Rajendra Borhade Sir. Our Principal Dr. Ajay Kumar Pathak Sir addressed the volunteers about the role of trees in human life.

Waste Collection Drive.

Waste collection drive was held from 26th Jan 2021 to 31st Jan 2021 in collaboration with MCGM. The Volunteers of NSS Unit Collected 300 KG of waste from there near by area and handover to MCGM for recycling purpose.

Animal Feeding

NSS Unit Conducted Animal Feeding on March 23, 2021.


NSS Volunteers participated in the Vaccination Drive at Rajawadi Vaccination Center.

Inter-Collegiate Competition on Street Play.

Our NSS Unit participated in Inter Collegiate street play competition and won first prize . The theme of Street Play was “Parivartan”.

Fitness Activity

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology Conducted Fitness activity for the volunteers of NSS Unit on January 31, 2021 under Fit India Movement. Under this activity Volunteers learn some exercises to live life healthy.

Road Safety Awareness Program.

NSS Unit Of Pune Vidyarthi Griha,s College of Science and Technology Conducted a Road safety Awareness Programme with collaboration of United Way Mumbai on February 12, 2021 . The Volunteers shown placards for road safety on Eastern Express Highway near Ramabai nagar.

Women’s Day

NSS Unit celebrated Women’s Day on March 08, 2021. The activities conducted were Theme Dance, Street Play on ” Violence against Women’s” and Singing.

Garja Maharashtra Maza

NSS Unit conducted Garza Maharashtra Maza on the occasion of the Maharashtra Divas. Quiz Competition was conducted. Teachers as well as Students had participated.

Selfie with Plants

On the occasion of Environment Day NSS Unit conducted one activity known as SELFIE WITH PLANTS.

Women’s Day Celebration

On 8th March 2022, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized a Women’s Day Celebration

Voting Card Registration

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science & Technology has conducted Voting Card Registration from 29th November 2021 to 1st December 2021

Poster Making Competition

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science & Technology has conducted Poster Making Competition as on 24th November 2021.

Azadi ka Amrut mohostav

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science & Technology has conducted Azadi ka Amrut mohostav as on 10th March 2022.

Blood Donation Camp

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science & Technology has conducted Blood Donation Camp as on 18th,21st,22nd December 2021 at Vashi ,Ghatkopar and Thane.

Constitution Day

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science & Technology has conducted Constitution Day as on 26th November 2021.

International Yoga Day

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science & Technology has conducted International Yoga Day as on 08th February 2022.

Maa(Tribute To Shindhutai sapkal)

The NSS Unit of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science & Technology has conducted Maa(Tribute To Shindhutai sapkal as on 23th January 2022.

Street play

On 6th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized a Street play in the adopted area.

Palghar Village Cleaning

On 10th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized a Cleanliness drive in adopted village.

Beach cleaning

On 12th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized a  Beach Cleaning during a 7-day residential camp in Palghar Village. 

Street Play

On 13th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized street play in the adopted village’s school during a 7-day residential camp in Palghar Village. 

Tree plantation

On 10th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized a Tree plantation drive during a 7-day residential camp in Palghar Village. 

Walk for Water Rally

On 10th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized a  massive rally with an aim to create awareness of water conservation during a 7-day residential camp in Palghar Village. 

Palghar Temple Premises

On 14th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology” organized a Cleaning Temple Premises in adopted village during 7 days residential camp.

Be appreciative

On 15th January 2023, The NSS department of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and TechnologyReceived appreciation certificates from the gram panchayat of the adopted village (Makunsar).


Yoga Day Celebration is an annual event that takes place on June 21st 2023, with the aim of promoting yoga and its benefits to the students. So “PUNE VIDYARTHI GRIHA’S COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY” by “NSS UNIT”.


TECHNOLOGY” organized “Tree Plantation” programme “GO GREEN ,PLANT TREES”
under the National Service Scheme (NSS) on MONDAY,17TH JULY 2023 in the college


primary objective is to pay tribute to the courageous freedom fighters and  heroes who selflessly gave their lives for the nation’s cause.


To Introduce and encourage students to play traditional Game rather than playing games on mobile/laptop.


Celebration of Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhiji’s Jayanti.


Create awareness among youth and society against addiction.


On 21st June 2024, the NSS Unit of “Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science and Technology, Ghatkopar(East)” organized International Yoga Day at the seminar hall. The Certified Yoga Trainer Mrs. Vinaya V. Kamath Ma’am guides our students and faculty members in Yoga Sessions for 2 hrs from 11.30 AM to 1.30 PM.
The event aimed to promote physical and mental well-being among students and faculty members through the practice of yoga.